There's not always a whole lot to post about. It's also hard to compose any type of actual blog post when I have two toddlers who really don't like when I sit down in front of the computer. The computer, lately, seems to be reserved for their use only for watching French language educational videos. I won't complain.
Because Gabby can say fork and spoon, (une fourchette! une cuillere!) and various other random French words. I love hearing her say Genevieve's name en francais. We say, "Jen-uh-veev," and she'll come back with, "Juhn-vi-ehv." *Love*
So you're going to have to excuse the fact that most of my posting will be done after they go to bed, from my phone, and after I've had a glass of wine (or two).
Today the husband built a railing for part of our deck. Using old wood, he totally repurposed it and made us a lovely, very character-y, railing. We're so green. And dudes, it was free. I actually do like it, despite my initial thoughts. I'll take a pic after I add some plants (hey succulents are easy right? Will I kill those, too?) and finish another project on the other side of the deck. Let's just say DIY chalkboard paint is all up in my head right now.
This evening I made these bad boys.
Copycat Reece's PB bars.
(recipe here!) I wasn't insanely hopeful because honestly I don't usually like "bars," but these are good, man. Totally taste like peanut butter cups. I thought about adding a layer of chocolate to the bottom before spreading the peanut butter mix on, and the husband agrees that that would have been really good, but I was worried about the richness. As is, they are perfectly rich. One is kind of enough. Even though I had like four. Shhh!
I also tried a new wine tonight.

I was grocery shopping the other day when I was drawn to the girl, *ahem*, woman sampling wine. I say woman because she had to be over 21 to be tasting and sampling the wine herself. But wow, she seemed young. I kind felt like an ass talking about wine with her with my toddler in the cart (I had Genna with me, Gabby was home with Daddy.). This only made me feel older. Not to mention my "momiform" versus her sleek black on black skin hugging number. I shouldn't be surprised that she was all, "THIS wine has been a favorite amongst customers, and I've sold 11 bottles, but only two of those were to women!" Ha, yeah I wonder why?
I've never sampled wine in store before. It always makes me feel like an alky or something, but I went ahead anyway that day. Some new wine "marketed to women watching their calories," she said. I didn't pay attention. There was free wine in front of me. (I kid y'all. Kind of.) So I ended up with this little Pinot Grigio. It's good. Nothing fancy. But good, considering I don't normally care much for the PG.
The cork was fun.
Not always easy to do when you've had a bottle. Especially the next morning.
Oh! And I realized what the red moscato tasted like. Flat Cold Duck. You know that cheap-o purple "champagne?" Take away the bubbles and you've got yourself some red moscato. OMG. Ew. After those first two sips (of trying to convince myself that it wasn't THAT bad) the entire bottle went down the drain.. Bleh!!
Tomorrow is Monday. As usual, I have high hopes for myself. Lots of plans. DIY crafts! Activities with the kids! Workout! I'll keep you all updated on that. Ha!
I leave you with my little Genna-bean, trying out mommy's shoes.