I'm just gonna leave that there. Maybe it will sink in eventually. I'm 7 weeks, 2 days today. We've known since I was barely 4 weeks. I was pretty much in disbelief for the first two weeks. I did run out that very morning (my initial plan was to only buy the digital pregnancy test to confirm) and bought all the necessary vitamins and supplements. I bought a grocery cart full of healthy foods pregnants are supposed to eat. I bought decaf coffee. I packed away the bottle of prosecco I had put into the fridge the night before.
But I still didn't believe it. I waited each day for the cramping to start, for red to appear on the toilet paper (TMI, sorry but it's true). I took more tests; the positive line only got darker.
Three weeks later, here we are. I'm sort of coming to terms with this. It changes everything in our lives. I mean a new child always does. But as much as the baby fever had kicked my ass a few months prior, I had come to terms with the fact that welcoming a new addition wasn't the best choice right now. Finances are tight (to say the least!!), my stress level is high, I was excited to go back to working a job outside the home once both girls started full time school in August. I had come to terms with the fact that having another child was not the answer to whatever longing I was feeling. We have two wonderful and perfect daughters. Seeing them grow and experiencing these new stages of their lives is exciting.
I was good.
Then, surprise!
So, now we wait anxiously for my first OB appointment, which won't be until I am 8 weeks 5 days.
I feel like crap as well. The morning sickness is seriously kicking my ass this time. Yes, I did have it for both girls, but not to this extent. I have a prescription for zofran waiting at the pharmacy, but I'm scared to take it for fear of the headaches I've read are common with it. *sigh* I'm taking the unisom/b6 combo which seems to be highly recommended , but it only takes the nausea/dizziness down from a 10 to a 4-5. It still sucks to drive, or do anything standing. Ha. Thank god there's only one week of school left. One week left of that god awful commute.
Our poor kids. I spend most of my days laying around. :( we haven't explained to them why I am sick every day. They'll be coming with us to the first doctor appointment for lack of available sitters, so they'll find out then. I'm hoping I can find a sitter before then though. Boy oh boy.
I won't actually post this until after the first ultrasound. Still in denial, you see.