Well damnit, this is going to take me all day to write.
1. I hate lists like this and really want to skip this whole post. Boo.
2. I like grocery store sushi. Judge me.
3. I also like Very Bradley. Judge me some more cause I'm carrying a VB bag and wearing VB flip flops right.now.
4. While watching our kids play tonight, I laughed so hard I may have needed to run and change my underwear. I think I need to get back into kegels. If I start tweeting a daily kegel reminder, would that be cool? Or would you be freaked out? C'mon moms...
5. I started this list 8 hours ago.
6. I have exclusively breastfed both of my children. Gabby for 12 months, Genna for 15 months so far. It is something I am very proud of and im a huge supporter of breastfeeding. I'm having a lot of trouble weaning Genna tho.
7. I watch old episodes of Friends most nights. My "me time" is usually 10pm-12am, reading blogs/books/the twitters/clearing out my email. Often with a glass of wine, and my "Friends." This makes me sound kind of sad, huh?
8. This post needs more pictures. I drink water out of this cup all day/every day:
9. This is only #9?? You don't want to know how many unfinished craft projects I have cluttering our laundry/utility room. You don't. I blame Pinterest, obviously.
10. I think I must suffer from what Beth Anne calls "bitch face." I swear I'm a friendly person, but I cannot make friends easily for the life of me, never have been able to, in fact. Today I was on the treadmill at the gym and got all jealous of the chicks who obviously just met ("are you new here? How many kids do you have" blah blah blah blah). Why didn't they talk to me? I'm working out! Look at me! I have kids! Oh wait... Bitchface.
11. Hey look, it's my husband!
12 - 20. I give up.
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