
Monday, July 2, 2012

31 Day Blogging Challenge and July Photo-a-Day Challenge

I want to blog more. It gives me a small outlet. Something to share. Something to remember this time in my life. I want to look back and say, oh wow, look at what I did that day.

Despite the millions of pictures I take daily, I want to actually record what went on. Who I was at this time. Who my kids were. They are growing and changing so fast. Don't get me started on that, cause the second I think about Gabby starting preschool in about six weeks, I have the fight off the tears.

So I'll be participating in these TWO blogging and picture-taking challenges. Yes, two. Go big or go home, right? Yes, I am rolling my eyes at myself right now too.

I found both of these via Pinterest over the weekend. Credit goes to whoever is listed in the pics, because lets be honest, I'm writing this from my phone as usual and that's a bit too much of a PITA to link to whoever and blah blah blah. I won't be tagging my posts, but feel free to follow along and post with me. You can follow my blog, or Twitter (where I'll update as I post).

Oh and no surprise here, I'm a day late starting. Weeee!

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