This is my handbag. My purse. My mini diaper bag.
You're in luck because this is a recent purchase, so it still fresh and new. And tonight I went to work, so there's nothing kid related in it. What??
It's pretty empty in fact. Currently it only houses:
- My wallet (which ACTUALLY was my only purse for the last 15+ months - I bought it right before Genna was born)
- A hair brush
- Lip balm and gloss
- Peppermints (for me, and for Gabby)
- Sunglasses
- Floss
What you don't see but is usually in there:
- Toddler snacks (yogurt drops, trail mix, granola bars, etc etc)
- A diaper and wipes
- Car keys
- iPhone
- Kindle Fire (really only when I am going to work)
- Barrettes (for me, and the girls)
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