
Monday, July 22, 2013

Celebrate the wins

Jimmy told me this yesterday.

After texting about a nice afternoon seeing a movie with the girls. It was a successfull afternoon, despite running late (I felt), and the drenching rain, we made it to the mall, still dry, and early. The girls actually watched the full movie (we saw Monsters University!) and we stopped for some gourmet chocolate afterwards downstairs. We came home and they both took three hour naps.

Celebrate the wins.

We've had a hard week. It's been stressful and making us feel downright beat down. Like it will never end.

Today, Jimmy went to get an estimate on the bodywork needed on our Escape. Caused by that damn tree branch. Our insurance estimate offered barely any help because of a high deductible. Boo. But after today's estimate we were hopeful. The main piece needing replacement (it's all cosmetic) is doable.

Then, an unexpected check in the mail from our mortgage company: an overage in our escrow. Enough to cover the work needed and then-some. In addition, our monthly payment will be lower because of the escrow decrease.

Then an email from Gabby's school confirming her placement at our preferred campus.

Celebrate the wins.

Then I made some pretty awesome chocolate cupcakes.

I woke up this morning dreading my day. What else can go wrong? But clearly, I woke up looking the wrong way.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go have another a chocolate cupcake. :)

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